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SCADA series 02(Data manipulation)- Ecostructure Machine SCADA/Wonderware Indusoft. How to reduce project time and work with tags

Welcome back. Here we discuss one powerful feature. Using Custom properties to set property values when screens are opened.
To read this feature in the help doc. go to help>>help doc >> search for “custom properties”.

In this video, I am going to be pulling data from a working plant to have our values show in real time. For company privacy, I will skip the part where I fill in the IP address:-). I also used the communication part to add a MODBUS TCP driver to our project. You can read about this driver and all other drivers in the help doc. available. There is a workaround to make your usage of this driver faster, but I will leave it out for now, for shortness sake.

This is a comparatively long video, but don’t be scared. In this video, I showed a bunch of important features and functionality during the process of doing our custom properties, using drivers, addressing in drivers, etc, watch closely.

EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert

Simple demonstration of HMI Panel using Schneider Electric’s Operator Panel.
Main advantage of this Software is its Graphics pixel is high compared to other softwares like Vijeo Designer.

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SCADA series 01(Data manipulation)- Ecostructure Machine SCADA/Wonderware Indusoft. How to reduce project time and work with tags.

Welcome to the first series in this SCADA packed folder. Please note that this is not a full info A-Z blog post, but its one that will point you starting in the right direction and give you “Life hacks” when creating your SCADA software. These will save you a whole lot of sweat. One more thing:) – I am a somewhat “pin-finding” person so I make jokes and references in my post that may be unusual therefore I ask you to kindly pardon me or enjoy them if you can 🙂 And for discretion – this is all based on my personal experience and yours might be somewhat different but I’m sure we are or will be under the same SCADA umbrella.

To jump straight into it, we will begin with Data.

    There are various datatypes: Boolean, integer, real, array, strings and Custom a.k.a Classes.
    I want to believe you know how to work with arrays, thereby for the sake of this post I will be showing how to use classes. I normally prefer to work with class because it gives you the opportunity to create more understood tags for the future you or retrofitting programmer that will come after you.
    Classes are created in a separate folder called “Class folder” and then after creation they will appear in your Project tags under Data “type“.
    Global >> Classes(left-click) >> Insert class >> add variables and save.Next, go to project tags and create a tag with the class you just created. Create as many as you wish.

    Creating linked symbols allows you to reuse symbols without having to recreate or re-link each tag to each object. Using classes to create such symbols takes this some good steps further. and shorten project time immensely. Watch the video below for demonstration.

    Demonstating how you implement the linked symbols for multiple plant objects.

With these 3 features we might as well say you’ve cut your project realization time in half, if not more. So re-watch the videos if need be and message me any request you might have. In the next post, we will see the grandmaster of time savers. Custom properties to set property values when the screen is opened.

Have a wonderful programming 🙂

Next postUsing custom properties to do magic>>