Main purpose of the project is to achieve a stable level of water with a given range of amount of inlet or oulet cubic meter of water. A setpoint is to be maintain whilst regulting the inflow and outflow of water within a specific given range.
- Water storage system using Schneider Electric(Unity Pro XL) and Vijeo Designer.
- The system is modelled to use a software PID FBD block(from library) to maintain a given setpoint and AUTOTUNE FBD to autotune the PID at start and deliver a smooth transient.
- Instrumentation devices include Solenoid Valve and Water Level sensors(written in form of code) they are used to achieve the result of stable water level in the tank. In the real world they are to communicate values to the PLC which then run them through it's program to achieve our desired output(water level). In our case the signal to the pump is either to increase or decrease the frequency.
PID Controlled Tank Level - Unity Pro and Vijeo Designer
Main purpose of the project is to demostrate the graphical and functional capacity of Schneider electric HMI panel of family HMISTX
- HVAC system using Schneider Electric Ecostruxure HVAC and Operator Terminal.
- The system is modelled of an HVAC system running on simulated parameters.
- Instrumentation devices include Solenoid 3-way Valve and temperature sensors they are used to maintain inlet air setpoint.
Simple HVAC
Main purpose of the project is implement same design concept as HVAC system to demonstrate the capacity of Schneider electric HMI panel of family HMISTX
- Heating system using Schneider Electric Machin Expert Basic and Operator Terminal.
- The system is a model of an individual heating system that takes heat source form city's central heating system and transferres it into the building. In this case the parameters are simulated.
- Instrumentation devices include Solenoid Valve and temperature sensors, heat exchanger they are used to maintain inlet heat temperature.